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W1555 Buurtkrant #7

March 2024

It's here again! The new W1555 Buurtbrief - for everyone in the Wolphaertstraat, Gouwstraat, Clemensstraat and a part of Katendrechtse Lagedijk - dropped into letterboxes this week. This time the thickest issue ever, with at least 28 pages! :)

We write about the first public event in the WOLF_RT: the well-attended exhibition 'El Dente'. Read a nice piece about a special bookstore in the neighbourhood. We said goodbye to Corpo and wrote about all they have undertaken and achieved. We give 5 tips to navigate in the new year. Enjoy our new column 'Post-Box' and check out the agenda of (our project space) WOLk. Read about the travellers in our midst. And did you know we have musicians, artists and masseurs in house? Complete a challenging puzzle and a word search that will help you get to know our residents. Read a beautiful story about visiting the homeland. And of course, also this time a delicious recipe and a poem and a work of art.

Another W1555 production; a positive note in many mailboxes. :)

Covertekening gemaakt door onze jongste telg Mitzi (4)

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